Illustrated by Aura Moser
Children's Storybooks Online, 2004
Genre: Children's fiction picture book; adventure
Reading Level: Ages 4-6
6 pages
One night Jimmy has a dream that a pirate tells him treasure is buried in his backyard. The next day he digs a lot but all he finds is a bone that belongs to his dog, he gets very upset until his mother gives him $5.oo because she's always wanted to dig a hole to put a plant in.
I would recommend this to any young child learning to read.
I can think of no controversy that would come from this book.
I really like this website, it gives opportunities for authors and illustrators to collaborate on projects for children online. This book was simple, but creative and the pictures were very attractive. Children like being on the computer, they like learning to read. It's a great combination.
My rating: 4 out of 5
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