Thursday, April 1, 2010

Love That Dog

written by Sharon Creech
Harper Collins, 2003
Genre: Children's fiction; poetry
Reading Level: Ages 8-12
128 pages

Love That Dog is about a young boy named Jack who in his classroom was assigned to write poetry and responses to poems read in class. Jack starts out not liking poetry saying that it's for girls, but after getting inspiration from other poets starts writing poems. Most of the poems he writes about are about his yellow dog named Sky that was killed by a blue car covered in mud. The different pages are Jack's poems, his interactions with his teacher, and also a letter to his favorite poet, Walter Dean Myers, who he writes and asks to come to his class. Myers does come and Jack is overjoyed. The book ends with all the poems that Jack describes that they learned about in class.

I would recommend this book to any child; especially those interested in poetry.

I can think of no controversy that could come from this book.

I really liked this book, it was very unique and entertaining. There are very few books that are about poetry and honestly tell a story. I also really liked that it felt like I really was reading a child's writing.

My rating 4 out of 5

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